Monday, June 7, 2010

Hama Mini Beads

Ok so I've been playing around Hama Mini beads... While very fiddly they actually look really cool.. I started with a Hama Mini Mario Mushroom and it actually looks really good... Took about an hour to complete (yes I know that's AGES) but I think it turned out well!!

Oil Drum & Fire Donkey Kong Photo Frame

Finally it has arrived! My first attempt at a bead sprite photo frame... I'm honestly starting to think that mini beads would be more productive for this, however... I will post up the picture of the photo frame and hopefully another one will be soon on the way

Friday, June 4, 2010

Additional Spritey Fun!

Ok so I've been playing around with different sprites and came up with the following...

Donkey Kong!! He is by far my favourite bead sprite so far... I used brown, black, rust and cream from the Perler Bead range and I think it worked out well... In hindsight I think that I should have used rust where brown was and brown where rust is... but no love lost... Perler Pal was saying to use Rust and orange as the main colour but that was just too bright for me...

Everyone loves Hello Kitty.... everyone... you know you do!! I think she turned out really well and I really like the bow... I chose to ignore the colours perler pal was throwing out and opted to stick with just Raspberry, White and Black...

This is the cow from Harvest Moon.... you know... when you brush her? So cute!! Though I'm not sure about the colouring.... PerlerPal seems to have come up with some bizarre colour combinations... so if I redo it, I think I might do her all cream and brown instead of white and cream and brown and dark brown... and I want to make a mini one for photo frames... I will definately post it up if I get a chance to complete one... I think it will be a big hit!!